Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Where to Birth?

Pregnancy comes with a lot of decision making. From what you can and can't eat to which nappy is most suitable for your newborn.

Some of you may already know exactly how you want to have your baby, some perhaps are a little worried and are trying not to think about it. (Do not panic!)

It's best to be aware of what choices you have, what's available and what is the best decision to make for you and your baby.

Water Birth

Having a water birth has it's benefits, being within the water makes moving around a lot easier, it helps relieve pain, you're still able to have gas and air should you wish and it can help prevent stress and panic. 

Water birthing pools are available within hospitals but it's not a guarantee one will be free when you go into labour. You can have a waterbirth at home, and hire a pool (or buy one) - make sure you have enough space where it can be set up safely. 

Not everyone can have a water birth, so double check with your midwife if you wish to explore this option further.

Birth Centre

Birthing centres are ran my midwives, they offer you a much more relaxed, less hospitalised birthing experience. Birth centres are for women who have a low risk birth rate, so it's best to have a chat with your midwife before you look into booking in. 

The benefits of being in a birth centre include - receiving one to one care throughout your labour, private rooms with en suites, birthing pools, massage and comfortable birthing rooms. You would be in a very calming envrionment with the less chance of tearing. 

However, you must be aware that epidurals, Cesarean sections or forceps and ventouse delivery are not performed in a birthing centre and you would have to be taken to hospitial if there happened to be any complications. 

Home Birth

Having a home birth can be a very calming birthing experience because of you're in comfortable surroundings. If you are healthy, and low risk (much like the birth centre) then you are able to have a home birth. (but once again, double check with your midwife) 

Two midwives would come to your home, and if there are any complications you will be taken to hospital in an ambulance. This may sound daunting but, it's best to know what can happen and be prepared than to panic and risk yours and the babies health.

For more information about birth planning please email info@nurtureantenatal.co.uk and our professional midwives will answer any of your questions.

The more you know about your options the better.

Nurture Antenatal x

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