Thursday, 13 June 2013

Obese Women More Likely To Give Birth Prematurely

Pregnant women who are obese or overweight are more likely to have premature babies according to a new Swedish Study which analysed more than 1.5 million births.

This follows on from a previous American study that showed a 30% increased risk of pre-term births. (Pre-term is defined as babies born before 37 weeks).

The children of these pre-term births can also suffer serious health problems as a result of early birth. Pre-term birth is one of the leading causes of serious infant illness and death.

The researchers found that the higher the BMI, the higher the risk of pre-term birth.
Other studies have suggested that women who spontaneously deliver pre-term have been found to have high levels of Cytokines which are released into the blood stream as part of the body’s immune response. Obese and overweight women are more likely to suffer from inflammation which carries an increased risk of urine infections and vaginal infections. 

These infections raise the risk of pre-term birth.

Does this research mean it is now acceptable for a pregnant women to diet? Surely having  a healthy diet that results in a weight loss throughout their pregnancy is safer than the risk they carry when they are over weight?  

Slimming world is now working with the RCM, they want to make their message clear, they are not encouraging weight loss or dieting, instead they say they are supporting women to have a healthy diet whilst pregnant. This, I feel, is a little confusing. 

How will that work? Will Slimming World not be giving any affirmations to the pregnant woman on how well she is doing/looking because she just so happens to be losing weight? A healthy diet will almost always result in weightloss, whether you're pregnant or not. 

They must know that. Come on, they are after all called SLIMMING world. 

I do however believe what they are doing is a step in the right direction. RCM magazine predicted that 18.5% of pregnant women in 2012 were obese. Something has got to change. Our bodies were designed to carry one or two babies alone, not on top of the weight of 6 others. 

Asides from a healthy diet, is it safe for pregnant women to exercise? Should heavily pregnant women be seen at the gym? Obviously this would raise concerns on correct training. During the later stages of pregnancy you have to be careful of high impact on the body, over stretching etc. Gentle exercise is okay. 

It is a woman's right to chose what she will (or won't) do throughout her pregnancy. After all it is her body and her baby. I just believe that perhaps, women need to be made aware of the risks they are taking. 

Nurture Antenatal x

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Pregnant Boys

Chicago's Department of health have come up with a new campaign against unwanted teen pregnancy. They have used images of teenage BOYS rather than girls.

These images are shocking and thought provoking. Brian told news daily "“The point was to
get people’s attention and get conversation started about teen pregnancy and teen births, and how they really affect a community,” *
These edited photographs of pubescent boys with little bumps are a little on the disturbing side, but do they work?

Teenage boys/girls may be naive enough to not put on a condom, but surely they are not stupid enough to see these and believe that boys can ACTUALLY get pregnant? For this reason, I am unsure it would stop teenagers having unprotected sex. 

On the other hand, they remind us that it is not only the female that is effected by unwanted pregnancy. Boys have to take responsibility for their unborn too. This may frighten them into wearing a condom. 

May be the posters aren't shocking enough. Would a video of a teenage boy giving birth be a  step to far perhaps? 

I believe teenage boys AND girls (same goes for men and women) both need to be responsible for practicing safe sex. 

Do you think this is something that we should adopt in England? 

Remember : No glove, no love.

Nurture Antenatal x

Monday, 10 June 2013

Developmental Programming

Moderately obese women impact birth weights and diabetes risk of their Grandchildren.

A new study by The University of Edinburgh carried out in mice, has suggested that health issues such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes could skip a whole generation and land with the next. This means that obese mothers will produce children who are not affected by their poor diet in terms of these diseases, but the genetic marker will appear in the next generation. (Now's the time to look at your Grandparents and perhaps try and make amends!) This transferred effect is known as developmental programming. 

Current health projects are aimed at the immediate family, but this new research suggests that all generations are set to continue the trend unless the current generation addresses these issues now. In terms of a poor health epidemic, these results could play an important part in the health of generations of the future and not just today.

The reason why the first generation is protected are unclear but researchers suggest it may be down to specific foods eaten during pregnancy. We already know that getting the right Nutrition in pregnancy is essential for the blueprint of health in later life.  

Current rates of obesity are the highest ever and associated health problems include breast cancer, colon cancer and stroke. 

So for the sake of your Grandchildren, (as well as your baby's development) start getting a healthier diet! 

Nurture Antenatal x

(Moderate obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index between 30 and 34.9. This definition, in my eyes, is a load of codswallop, but I will save that for another day

Friday, 7 June 2013

Down Syndrome testing

Did you know? Roughly 750 babies are born with down syndrome through the UK each year.

 Downs syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. This occurs purely by chance.

Women can have an optional blood test at 14 weeks 2 days to 20 weeks to decipher their chances of having a baby with downs syndrome. Once they're given an estimate, such as 1 in 100 or 1 in 600 chance that the 

Women are then given the option for more tests. 

They can either have a Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves testing a small sample of the placenta, or an amniocentesis test, which analyses the amniotic fluid around the baby. These tests are risky and have have a 1 in 100 rate in miscarriage


Prof Kypros Nicolaides, who is the leading researcher has developed a new, safer and more accurate way of testing. This will enable women to know whether they have a 99% chance, or less than one in 10,000 that their baby has Down's syndrome, which is remarkable.

This now gives women more choice in regards to their unborn baby. The next steps to take are undoubtedly in the hands of the mother.

Unfortunately, these tests cost £400 a pop. Due to the expense the NHS are not covering this test as of yet for all women. Prof Nicolaides is running a prospective study over the next two years withing the NHS with over 20,000 women. 

This test is available privately, but hopefully with time the cost will fall and it will become available on the NHS. 

Nurture Antenatal x

For any questions on this topic please email our midwives on

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Making Headlines

Royal Collage of Obstetricians and Gynecology released a new paper on chemical exposure during pregnancy and the risks. 

"Chemical exposures during pregnancy: Dealing with potential, but unproven, risks to child health, raises awareness of the current issues surrounding chemical exposure during pregnancy and offers advice for women to make informed decisions that will predispose their baby to have the best possible health."  (

This story has had a great deal of media exposure. Many writing that women are  bombarded with too much information. On one hand it often appears ever changing, you can't do this, you can't do that, don't eat this but now you can eat that etc etc . It can be very complicated and confusing. On the other hand, if we have new research then, surely it should be shared with mothers-to-be?

The RCOG have asked women to take a 'saftey first' approach. They recommend pregnant women to- 

Always eat fresh food when you can so to avoid canned/plastic contained food, as well as less use of personal care products and over the counter medicine.  Also to keep away from paint fumes and pesticides.

It may seem a little over the top for some and it could also fuel worry for others. The best thing to do is to try and minimize your contact with chemicals and take the advice where ever possible.

Also-  Eating fresh food is always a good idea, especially in regards to the baby's health. (Check out our post on healthy eating). 

If you have any questions/worries please email our midwives at

Nurture Antenatal x

If you'd like to see the full RCOG report here is a link -

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Myths surrounding Breastfeeding

Time to bust some myths. 

Pumping your breast milk is an indicator of how much milk you produce. Nope. Truth is, a baby that can breastfeed properly can get out more milk than the pump. Stress levels and other factors can change the flow. Pumping breast milk only indicates how much you can pump. 

Breastfeeding can be an inconvenience for the mother.  Not true. Well, at least this one shouldn't be true. You are able to breastfeed your baby anywhere. It can be liberating. Not having to worry about sterilising bottles and heating up formula. What you have in your breast is perfect for your little one. 

You need to wash your breast/nipples before every feed. False! Yes you need to sterilise your bottle as it can be a breeding ground for bacteria. But your nipples and breast milk help build up the right immune system for your baby. No need to wash before every feed. 

Many women don't produce enough milk. False. If anything many women produce enough milk to feed their whole neighborhood! Usually if the baby isn't gaining enough weight it's because the baby isn't latching on correctly not because their isn't enough milk. It is very important mothers are helped from day one by their midwives. (Here is a link to our website for more info- (

Modern formula is just as food as breast milk. Nope. False. Superficially they are similar but formula milk does not contain enzymes, hormones or anti-bodies. There is also a lot more to breast feeding than it's ingredients. 

Breast feeding will make your boobs sag. No, no, no! It is usually just the typical aging process that is to blame. Although research has shown that the expansion and deflation of the milk ducts are likely to be the cause- NOT breastfeeding. Plus, the benefits of feeding your baby your milk surely outweighs the appearance of you breasts. 

Happy Breastfeeding!

Nurture Antenatal x

Once again, if you're worried about breastfeeding please email our midwives at for advice. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Breast feeding. For your baby.

Breast milk is wonderful stuff. 

Not only is is great for you as the mother, the baby benefits a great deal too.

It can help reduce the risk of - 

• respiratory infections
• gastro-intestinal infection
• necrotising enterocolitis (tissue death in the bowels)
• urinary tract infections
• ear infections
• allergic disease (eczema and wheezing)
• insulin-dependent diabetes 
• sudden infant death syndrome
• childhood leukaemia.
With all these benficial factors, deciding whether to breast feed or not should be relatively easy. But for those of you who are struggling to breastfeed there are of course alternatives. Please ask your midwife for extra advice or email one of our midwives at info@nurtureantenatal if you have any questions. 

Tomorrow we will be discussing the myths surrounding breastfeeding. 

Nurture Antenatal x

Monday, 3 June 2013

Breast Feeding. Benefiting You.

Breastfeeding your baby can bring a range of benefits to your little one (which, the blog will be about tomorrow), but did you know it does wonders for you too? 

  • Amazingly, breastfeeding can lower your risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer
  • As there is a lot of skin to skin contact it can help to build a strong bond between you and your baby (d'aww)
  • Naturally lose up to 500 calories a day (Hurray!) 
  • It can save you money, as a steriliser and formula can be expensive. 

A study that has taken place by the University of Western Sydney, made some key findings relating to breastfeeding and how it can benefit the mother.(Full study link is at bottom of blog)

To  summarise- 

  • The longer you breastfeed, the lower your chances are of having high blood pressure later in life 
Another bonus. 

Of course, if you are struggling to breastfeed and want help you should contact your midwife. For any questions about today's blog please feel free to email

Nurture Antenatal x


Friday, 31 May 2013

Mobility in labour


There is evidence that movement throughout labour can reduce your need for pain relief. 

First stage of Labour 

Hopefully, you are encouraged by the midwife to move around a lot during the first stage. Keeping upright can help alignment of your baby, and of course gravity is on your side! Also, movement such as rocking can help with pain management, as well as walking around.  Don't panic, try and remember the positions you have learnt in your antenatal classes. 

Do what comes what comes naturally to you, your body will know even if you don't! 

Second stage of Labour

Again, upright positions are encouraged during this part of labour, such as sitting, kneeling, squatting, or on your hands and knees.  If you're tired, you can have your birthing partner help support you whilst in certain positions, or having a birthing cushion so you can be semi-recumbent (partly reclining).

If you're having a water birth, you may find movement a little easier as you're a lot lighter in the water. Remember, you can remain in the pool, or get out to give birth. Do what feels best for you at the time.

Once again, movement helps during second stage of labour and it's best to keep changing positions until you find one that works for you and allows you to be the most relaxed so you can have a positive birthing experience. 

Nurture Antenatal run Antenatal classes in the Winchester/Hampshire area. Go to to book your place.
Nurture Antenatal x

Thursday, 30 May 2013


What is labour? 

Labour is the process of expelling the baby and the placenta with it’s membranes through the birth canal. 

Normal labour is spontaneous, occurs at more than 37 weeks with a baby in the head down position. The whole process is usually complete in 18 hours with no complications. 

2-3 weeks before labour, the fetal head will sink lower into the pelvis and the head will engage. In first time mums, this may not happen until labour starts.  Engagement with the pelvis provides relief under the lungs and also allows space for easier breathing, sleeping and digestion, although congestion in the pelvis will mean more frequent trips to the bathroom!  

Braxton Hicks – Practice contractions particularly towards the end of pregnancy, can be painful are irregular and will last longer than a minute. 

Early labour can start with backache – place a hand on your abdomen and you will feel the muscle tightening. 

When to contact your midwife

Contact your midwife when contractions are becoming regular, lasting around 60 seconds, are 10 minutes apart and becoming uncomfortable. 
A Show is a good sign that changes are happening to the cervix.  The show is a bloodstained, mucoid plug of jelly like substance which is passed as the cervix starts to ripen, soften and dilate slightly. This can be passed days before labour commences or during the early stages of labour. 
Waters may rupture at this stage but more often go during active labour. Fluid should be clear. Contact your midwife as soon as waters rupture. 

Nurture Antenatal x

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Your Birthing Partner(s)

Who to take and who to leave at home!

Your birth partner should be a person whose judgement you trust and who will be with you throughout your labour and be your voice and advocate when you are too busy birthing your baby to think straight. Your birth partner can be your baby’s father, a partner, a close friend, your mum, sister or a doula. If you feel you would need to be supporting them through the labour, choose someone else.
Some hospitals will allow two birth partners, although do check the policy before planning, to avoid disappointment.
Labour is a special time where a couple in love can use their love to release natural oxytocin to support and progress the labour. Come along to one of our Antenatal Classes to learn more about this natural, power releasing chemical.
It may seem obvious, but do not invite anyone to support you who you do not trust or cannot completely relax with. As a midwife, so often women would bring with them birth partners out of some misplaced duty rather than the person who they would trust with their life. If you’re planning on two birth partners, make sure, both are in tune with each other and your wishes; warring birth partners are the quickest way to a disrupted labour with bad outcomes.
As a quick test, imagine your prospective birth partners in a room together for 8 hours – could you, in the middle of them, fall into a fully relaxed sleep knowing they would both equally and in collaboration, look out for you in the most positive, supportive manner and have your best interests at heart. If yes – they’re the ones for you! If not, cross them off the list. One good birth partner is better than two bad ones.
Let your midwife know who you are planning to bring with you to support you in labour.

Tomorrow we will be looking at the signs of early labour – how to spot the signs and get ready for your Baby’s Birthday – this is one party you definitely won’t be missing!

Nurture Antenatal x

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Where to Birth?

Pregnancy comes with a lot of decision making. From what you can and can't eat to which nappy is most suitable for your newborn.

Some of you may already know exactly how you want to have your baby, some perhaps are a little worried and are trying not to think about it. (Do not panic!)

It's best to be aware of what choices you have, what's available and what is the best decision to make for you and your baby.

Water Birth

Having a water birth has it's benefits, being within the water makes moving around a lot easier, it helps relieve pain, you're still able to have gas and air should you wish and it can help prevent stress and panic. 

Water birthing pools are available within hospitals but it's not a guarantee one will be free when you go into labour. You can have a waterbirth at home, and hire a pool (or buy one) - make sure you have enough space where it can be set up safely. 

Not everyone can have a water birth, so double check with your midwife if you wish to explore this option further.

Birth Centre

Birthing centres are ran my midwives, they offer you a much more relaxed, less hospitalised birthing experience. Birth centres are for women who have a low risk birth rate, so it's best to have a chat with your midwife before you look into booking in. 

The benefits of being in a birth centre include - receiving one to one care throughout your labour, private rooms with en suites, birthing pools, massage and comfortable birthing rooms. You would be in a very calming envrionment with the less chance of tearing. 

However, you must be aware that epidurals, Cesarean sections or forceps and ventouse delivery are not performed in a birthing centre and you would have to be taken to hospitial if there happened to be any complications. 

Home Birth

Having a home birth can be a very calming birthing experience because of you're in comfortable surroundings. If you are healthy, and low risk (much like the birth centre) then you are able to have a home birth. (but once again, double check with your midwife) 

Two midwives would come to your home, and if there are any complications you will be taken to hospital in an ambulance. This may sound daunting but, it's best to know what can happen and be prepared than to panic and risk yours and the babies health.

For more information about birth planning please email and our professional midwives will answer any of your questions.

The more you know about your options the better.

Nurture Antenatal x

Friday, 24 May 2013

What not to eat

During pregnancy there are question marks over what foods are safe and foods that aren't. It  can be confusing and very daunting- so here is a list of what you should be concerned about and how to avoid it. Do. Not. Panic.


Contaminants eg mercury


Shark, Marlin and sword fish 

Extra care

Limit your tuna steak intakes to two a week, tuna cans to 4 a week. Eat oily fish eg salmon, mackerel, sardines but no more than twice a week. 




Raw shellfish, under-cooked meats and chicken, raw and partially cooked eggs and make sure to avoid homemade mayo, mousses and ice-cream.

Extra Care

Make sure, as I am positive most of you do, to always wash your hands after touching raw meats and poultry 


Vitamin A 


As mentioned in a previous blog avoid multi-vits containing vitamin A. Fish liver oils containing more than 750 mg and also liver and liver products- pate and faggots etc. 




Blue veined cheeses, soft ripened cheeses such as brie, Camembert and goats cheeses.

Extra care

Make sure ready meals (although, try to avoid these anyway, get some healthy homemade stuff in you!) are heated properly, chilled foods to be stored at below 5 degrees. Also, foods should be eaten by their 'use by'date.

Another question mark - caffeine.

If you can avoid it as much as possible. Have no more than 200mg of caffeine a day, that's roughly two mugs of coffee and three cups of tea. Be careful of the sneaky crafty fizzy drinks too eg cola and energy.

Happy Eating and be wise.

Nurture Antenatal x

Thursday, 23 May 2013


What is Colic? 

In the medical terminology colic means, ‘the excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy and well fed’. 

How can you tell if your baby has colic?

Although it isn’t scientific a paediatrician name Dr Russell Wessell came up with ‘the rule of 3’s’ which states that if your kid:-
  •       Cries for more than 3 hours a day
  •       Or more than 3 days a week
  •       For 3 weeks

Then your kid is classed as a colicky baby. 
Although studies have shown that colicky babies don’t cry anymore than babies that don’t colic, when they do cry it is often:-
  •       Longer in duration and they are just inconsolable (which, can be distressing for parents!) 
  •       Their crying is sudden, very high pitched and they often tense their fists, legs and muscles 

Do not worry!

Colic isn’t harmful to babies (as much as it's hard to see your little thing this way) and they will grow and feed normally, however make sure that you seek medical advice to rule out anything else.

How to help prevent colic

Colic and Breast feeding, what you should do.

·      Correct attachment- make sure your baby has attached correctly so that they can drain the milk properly
·      Use one breast- avoid switching breasts, this is because the milk from the first breast is low in fat and calories when switching the second breast the baby does not take the milk filled with high fat and high calories causing the baby to have more milk than is required.

For symptoms caused by an allergy - Use hypoallergenic infant formula
For symptoms caused by cow’s milk intolerance - Use hypoallergenic or soy formula

Colic is a big subject and if you would like to read more in depth on this topic we have a published page that covers colic in much more detail so please take a look at:-

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


In the news today it has been reported that Iodine deficiency during pregnancy could be lowering the IQ of your unborn child. It was reported that iodine deficiency is common, affecting two-thirds of women.This just emphasises how important nutrition really is during pregnancy, remember, what you eat your baby eats! 

What is it, and why is it so important?

Iodine is a non metallic chemical. When consumed (not in it's pure form) into your body it helps to make thyroid hormones. These hormones help to keep your metabolic rate healthy. 

During pregnancy, it helps develop your baby's mental development. (You could be having the next Einstein. So eat wisely!) 

Adults need 0.14mg of iodine a day, If you think you're not getting the required amount the safest way to up your intake is by changing your diet.

Here are some examples of yummy food that contains iodine- 

  • white fish
  • oily fish
  • cows milk
  • nuts 
  • bread
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • yogurt

You can buy iodine supplements, but we advise against this. According to 
Dr Mark Vanderpump "If you take a supplement during pregnancy, the thyroid gets stunned and goes down. Taking a supplement during pregnancy may not be the best thing to do." (the rest of this interview can be found on

Please feel free to email if you have any questions. 

Nurture Antenatal x

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

On a more serious note today..

In the news this morning it is reported that sharing your bed with a newborn can increase the chance of cot-death by five.
Research came to light today and has caused huge outcry amongst professionals, families and mothers. The BBC reports that- 

 "Even in very low-risk breastfed babies, where there were no risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) other than that they had slept in their parents' bed, 81% of cot deaths in infants under three months of age could have been prevented by not bed sharing" - (taken from

Although, some suggest there are flaws within this study, people should be aware of the risks they take. As every individual is different and so is every circumstance. Information is power and here are some important facts from the NHS to remember  - 

What can I do to help prevent SIDS?
  • Place your child on their back to sleep. The safest place for them to sleep is in a cot in a room with you for the first six months.
  • Do not smoke while you are pregnant or after your baby is born, and do not let anyone else smoke in the same room as your baby 
  • Do not share a bed with your baby, particularly if you have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
  • Never sleep with your baby on a sofa or an armchair.
  • Do not let your baby get too hot.
  • Keep your baby’s head uncovered. Their blanket should be tucked in no higher than their shoulders.
  • If possible, breastfeed your baby. 

Nurture Antenatal x

Monday, 20 May 2013

Fertility Myths

Did you hear that orgasms can cause a woman to release eggs? Uh, no. This is false ladies and gentlemen. The release of eggs (ovulation) is the gradual increase of estrogen, not a sudden explosion of pleasure!

Nurture Antenatal are becoming myth-busters this week. Particularly surrounding fertility. Please feel free to comment on any other myths you have come across. 

Sperm can only live for 3 days or less. 

His little swimmers can survive up to five days inside. Even though a woman's egg lives for 12-24 hours, she is potentially fertile for about one week per cycle. That would be five days for sperm viability, then another two days for the possibility of two eggs being released within the cycle.

Menopause occurs because a woman has ran out of eggs

Nope! Women are born with over 400,000 eggs, we (thank the lord) do not have that many periods in our life time. During menopause, hormone balances change, this causes the eggs to stop maturing in the ovary and being released at ovulation.

Women are the main cause for fertility issues within couples

False. False. False! The issues are generally split- 40% men, 40% women and the other 20% are combined issues, or issues that are unknown. 

Worrying about a late period may only delay it.

A lot of us have been there. The period is late, we panic, then we tell ourselves it's late because we are panicking. A vicious circle. But in fact stress alters/delays our ovulation. Not our period.  Once ovulation has occurred, our period is already determined. 

So be careful what you read!

Nurture Antenatal x

These myths were found on -

Friday, 17 May 2013


Oh Mighty Zinc. 

Zinc is an essential mineral.  Our body does not store zinc, so just like folic acid it should be digested on a daily basis by either taking zinc supplements or eating foods high in zinc.

 Zinc has so many beneficial factors for the human body and mind such as-

  • It can help prevent  Cancer and boost our immune system.
  • Improves our cardio-vascular Health
  • Boosts your Brain power and helps to treat ADHD
  • It can help decrease your chances of Alzheimer's
  • It helps lift your mood and decreases depression 
Did you also know that..
  • It helps a woman's and mans's reproductive system?
Zinc plays a role in the growth of a woman's eggs. If the egg doesn't grow properly this is usually due to a zinc deficiency and can be linked to infertility. The right amount of zinc enhances the use of estrogen and progesterone within the body and aids fertility.  

Zinc is just as important to men as it is to women. Low zinc levels in men leads to poor testosterone production and put them at risk to develop prostate cancer and infertility. So an adequate amount is needed on a daily basis.

It has also been said that can increase your libido, what is not to love about Zinc? 

Now go get some in your body. 

You can do this by taking zinc supplements or via your diet. Here are some food suggestions that contain high levels of zinc-

  • pumpkin/squash seeds
  • Bananas
  • Garlic
  • wheat germ 
  • chick peas
  • oysters

Nurture Antenatal x

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Mighty Vitamin C

What exactly is Vit C? 

Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid), is an essential water-soluble nutrient which helps create collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein (a tissue that holds the body together, not just the lip implants boys and girls).

It is found throughout the body and actually makes up to one third of our body weight! Vitamin C is also important as an antioxidant defence.  Antioxidants are nutrients that help the body mop up free radicals. The build up of free radicals significantly contributes to the aging process.

Your body is unable to make or store Vitamin C, therefore it is necessary to ensure adequate amounts are your diet.

Fruits with the highest sources of vitamin C –
  • Cantaloupe
  • Guava
  • Citrus fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Mango
  • Blackcurrants
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries
  • Watermelon

Vegetables with the highest sources of vitamin C –
  • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Green and red peppers
  • Potatoes – sweet and white
  • Spinach, cabbage, other leafy greens
  • Tomatoes and tomato juice
  • Winter squash

During Pregnancy 

The current adult recommended dietary intake for vitamin C is 40mg per day . During pregnancy, vitamin C requirements are increased as vitamin C is sent across the placenta to the growing baby.  As a result, mums circulating vitamin C levels fall during pregnancy and 60 mg per day is required. During breastfeeding the amount of vitamin C needed is around 75 mg per day due to loss through breast milk.

1 medium orange contains around 69.7mg of vitamin C.

 So get munching. Nom nom.

Nurture Antenatal x

The Importance of Nutrition

What you eat, your baby eats. It is as simple as that. 

Imagine your baby as a tiny plant. The embryo is the seed. This seed is constantly growing and developing, it can not to this without the right amount water/light and attention. Your little baby is exactly the same. It needs all those good nutrients to help it develop beautifully.

It also works the other way around- when you put bad things in your body the baby will eat those too. It may sound obvious but lay off the booze and fags and do not drink copious amounts of caffeine.  

There is a theory, that the days within the womb are far greater than we imagined. Diseases that develop as an adult could be due to what nutrition we ate whilst developing within our mothers.  To read/hear more check this out from BBC radio 4.

Nurture Antenatal x

To read more about how important nutrition is- take a look at our website